How to make money with leatherworking 5.4

How to make money with leatherworking 5.4

Author: OpeL Date: 21.06.2017

I think my shaman will be holding on to that one. LW gets boned again. No bags or even cloaks? The drop rate for that hide better be an improvement over the Pristine Hide.

how to make money with leatherworking 5.4

Two new blue cloaks. But sadly it's not; same rate as Arctic Furs and Pristine Hides.

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Why is the leatherworker specific leg enchant the same as the BOE enchant? Shouldn't there be a bonus? Or is it just that it takes less to do it? Unless I somehow confused myself, the Leatherworking profession bonus is BoP bracer enchants.

The leatherworker specific leg enchants are indeed just to save money when enchanting your own gear. It's included as a profession perk because it's drastically cheaper to get the BoP leg enchant.

You can also use it several levels earlier than everyone else. I really want to like the fourth model because it has the one-sided shoulder, but next to the ones with glinting accents, it just doesn't look the same.

how to make money with leatherworking 5.4

Something about the tank top with the wrestling belt. You mean, that Sha Armor Kit will be the best head slot enchant? I like the 2nd leather sets with the gold accents. The mail ones not so much, the 1st is ok minus the helms , but the 2nd one doesn't even look like mail to me.

I looked and looked and couldn't see anything requiring a Magnificent Hide. Heavy Sha Leather also, so I guess this isn't a complete list.

How are you making money with leatherworking? - World of Warcraft Forums

Oddly enough, that's actually the leather set. The mail sets are on the right and the leather sets are on the left. The leg enchant bonus is much cheaper and available earlier than the BOE enchant.

Well I'll agree with one part. I would like a new set of drums. The intellect gear seems to differentiate between DPS-caster with no spirit and healer with spirit gear that way, but there's no stat difference between the differently crafted agility items. I just noticed actually a very small difference between some of the seemingly duplicated craftable epics. While they have the same secondary stats, those stats are in different proportions.

It's a pretty small difference. The left sets look much more like Mail than the right. Oh well, have to use it on some other character then. The sets look cool overall, and I'm hoping but not expecting the first set with the curved up helm is for Int users. I'm still perplexed about the "Shoot here for a heart-shot! The male model doesn't get stuck with it. Guess it's more tabard wearing for me. I'm with you on the wrestling belt, Perculia. I had hoped we left those behind with Cata.

I still say the kite mount thing should be something a LW can make.

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how to make money with leatherworking 5.4

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